Runge & Ammon
As a Duo, both artists have been working together for more than 10 years and have appeared at significant concert events such as the Baden-Baden Masters’ Concert, at the Frauenkirche in Dresden, the WDR television station in Cologne, the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, as well as in Italy, Belgium, France, Switzerland, South America and the USA. At the invitation of Laura Escalada de Piazzolla, Astor Piazzolla’s widow, the duo performed at a memorial concert in Buenos Aires in 2003. After a concert in New York (Barge Music) in 2006, the two musicians were given a spontaneous invitation to make a guest appearance in the famous Jazz club “Birdland”.
The CD recordings “CelloPassion”, “CelloTango” and “contrapunctango” have been given a special recommendation by the FAZ German national newspaper and the musical magazine “FonoForum”. In 2004, “CelloCinema” – a homage to film music – appeared and was given a very positive reception by the press.
Eckart Runge and Jacques Ammon also understand their artistic work as a natural contribution in social and pedagogical projects. Their regular benefit concerts and direct work on location supports organisations such as “Jeunesses Musicales Germany”, “Yehudi Menuhin Life Music Now” and youth orchestra projects in South America.